Sunday, July 25, 2010

Ok so I had this whole thought....
So everyone likes to bitch about global warming and how we're destroying the earth with all of our excessive usage of natural resources. I got to thinking, who said humans were the biggest threat to the earth? Seems to me the earth is pretty damn adaptable. And so are humans. Think about the evolutionary history of the human species. We're more resilient, stronger, live longer lives and generally thrive in almost any climate or terrain on this planet. There are very little places anymore that you can't find humans settled into, adapting to, and enjoying.
With this said, the earth has also changed with the course of man...or even a bit quicker. I find it interesting that humans forget how easily this earth could take our precious life and devour it. But the earth will still be here...we won't. The earth will still spin around the sun in our solar our galaxy... Sure, it may not be the earth we know and love today, but it will still be there. We have 8 other planets (and yes I still consider Pluto a planet!) spinning around the sun to prove it. Sure, they do not contain life as WE understand life to be...but maybe they did. This is something scientists have been trying to prove for decades. At any rate, if there was life on Mars or Neptune at one point in time, it could have easily been taken away as it could on earth.
Think in terms of the natural pecking order, or food chain if you will, on our planet. Humans insist they are the top creature to take rank and we have general domain over the other living creatures here on earth. Now expand outside of earth--next we have the sun, which certainly takes top rank over us in the solar system. Without the sun, we die. With too much sun, we die. It is a delicate balance that human have adapted to over the centuries--survival in either too little or two much sun. (visit Cleveland if you want to know how lack of sun survival works)
Now wouldn't it be something to imagine our solar system has its own pecking order--where the sun takes top rank and sustains the remaining planets. Earth may be the only to harbor life due to its evolutionary pattern of development and or immunity to the destructive nature of the sun. Earth contains the essential chemicals to balance the effects of the sun and sustain life from this invisible chemical fuel constantly pumping through our atmosphere.
To break it down thus far, in terms of the "food chain" at large..humans are the top on earth. the sun is the top in the solar system. And one can only imagine how our galaxy plays into the greater vast area of outer space.
Does this idea comfort me? Absolutely. If you remove the idea of "God" from EVERYTHING, the whole organized religious nonsense created by man, you're left with a very primal notion that consistently proves itself to be true on earth. There is a pecking order. Everything has a fair shot at survival, but only if they can survive through strength, adaptability, genetic superiority, and sheer will. The sun is living, if it were not, how could we survive? If the light goes out and the mechanisms stop working, so do we. So humble yourself for a moment...think about the bigger picture.

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Where the fuck did music come from?
I mean really...sit and think about it. How did man go from some cave-dweller to a composer? Was it some great moment like when the first man discovered fire? I imagine it began with people began to explore their vocalizations, of course someone would sing. They'd imitate sounds they heard in nature. Then the percussion from nature provided the constant beat and then that beat was built upon..the rest is history.
Trying to disect the origins of music is like trying to figure out which part of your turd was the last bite. It's just something you let be...let develop..let fester in your brain. If you force it, you miss the point. Music can elevate your mood, reduce stress...even more so than sex...and release more chemicals into your brain to signal love, compassion, empathy, joy, excitement, and relaxation than any drug on the planet. The key to kicking a wicked drug addiction is music--its a replacement therapy. The right music, tuned to the right portion of your's medicine to the sick tissue. It's transcending time, influencing decisions, and craving all of your attention. The correct speed can generate euphoric dopamine rushes, curb appetite, signal adrenaline responses, and cause the listener to quite literally fall in love with the atmosphere. You can always tell the junkies. They walk with a certain swagger that curtails the beat in their head, constantly propelling them forward, constantly the soundtrack to every moment and movement in their lives.
I am a junkie. I cannot go more than an hour in my day without listening to some form of music. My weapon of choice is electronic. But to call it something as simple as "electronic" puts it in such a tight little box...and if there's anything this music is, its not tight or diminishing. It opens my mind, frees my thoughts and creates a high unlike anything I've ever experienced. And I've experienced a lot in my 27 years on this planet. But nothing like this. Nothing like being physically and mentally cured by an auditory response to noise in an organized fashion. I cannot live without it. House, techno, tech-house, minimal, old, new, obscure, all of it, I cannot get enough. I am a junkie. I am an addict. I LIVE FOR THIS MUSIC. But its not just the music...its my entire lifestyle. I am an explorer, an enthusiast for experience, constantly craving something new and challenging to expand the parameters of my tiny existence on this giant spinning rock in space. Music connects me to the other like-minded people out there. Its like a secret handshake...we can spot each other, we cling to each other..we depend on each other for survival. The tribe of music encompasses everyone from all walks of life. We are, in an essence the meaning of life. I've found a purpose. I've found comfort. I could die alone but with Jamie Jones or Seth Troxler...or any one of the hundred or so DJ's controlling my final soundtrack, I'd feel as though I'm united with the entire galaxy.
How did I get to this point? How did I become so dependent? Does it matter? Not really, not as soon as the music starts. I can go for hours, my heart and brain provide all of the nourishment my body needs to constantly move to the beat. Its the runner's high times infinity. Its beyond any experience I will ever have. I'm a junkie...I just can't stop myself.
Which brings me to how the notion of a self-fulfilling prophecy intertwines with this music. I cannot help but feel incredibly happy, focused, and energetic with I listen to certain songs.
I've totally lost my train of thought and realize how completely pointless my trying to explain how I feel about music is....shit, you either get it or you don't. I don't need to sell anyone on it. I certainly don't need to sell myself on it.
Fuck that was some good bud.