Sunday, July 25, 2010

Ok so I had this whole thought....
So everyone likes to bitch about global warming and how we're destroying the earth with all of our excessive usage of natural resources. I got to thinking, who said humans were the biggest threat to the earth? Seems to me the earth is pretty damn adaptable. And so are humans. Think about the evolutionary history of the human species. We're more resilient, stronger, live longer lives and generally thrive in almost any climate or terrain on this planet. There are very little places anymore that you can't find humans settled into, adapting to, and enjoying.
With this said, the earth has also changed with the course of man...or even a bit quicker. I find it interesting that humans forget how easily this earth could take our precious life and devour it. But the earth will still be here...we won't. The earth will still spin around the sun in our solar our galaxy... Sure, it may not be the earth we know and love today, but it will still be there. We have 8 other planets (and yes I still consider Pluto a planet!) spinning around the sun to prove it. Sure, they do not contain life as WE understand life to be...but maybe they did. This is something scientists have been trying to prove for decades. At any rate, if there was life on Mars or Neptune at one point in time, it could have easily been taken away as it could on earth.
Think in terms of the natural pecking order, or food chain if you will, on our planet. Humans insist they are the top creature to take rank and we have general domain over the other living creatures here on earth. Now expand outside of earth--next we have the sun, which certainly takes top rank over us in the solar system. Without the sun, we die. With too much sun, we die. It is a delicate balance that human have adapted to over the centuries--survival in either too little or two much sun. (visit Cleveland if you want to know how lack of sun survival works)
Now wouldn't it be something to imagine our solar system has its own pecking order--where the sun takes top rank and sustains the remaining planets. Earth may be the only to harbor life due to its evolutionary pattern of development and or immunity to the destructive nature of the sun. Earth contains the essential chemicals to balance the effects of the sun and sustain life from this invisible chemical fuel constantly pumping through our atmosphere.
To break it down thus far, in terms of the "food chain" at large..humans are the top on earth. the sun is the top in the solar system. And one can only imagine how our galaxy plays into the greater vast area of outer space.
Does this idea comfort me? Absolutely. If you remove the idea of "God" from EVERYTHING, the whole organized religious nonsense created by man, you're left with a very primal notion that consistently proves itself to be true on earth. There is a pecking order. Everything has a fair shot at survival, but only if they can survive through strength, adaptability, genetic superiority, and sheer will. The sun is living, if it were not, how could we survive? If the light goes out and the mechanisms stop working, so do we. So humble yourself for a moment...think about the bigger picture.

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